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Golf Tournament

St. Mary's 34th Alumni and Friends Golf Tournament 
 September 7, 2024 at Sleepy Eye Golf Club
10AM - Three Person Best Ball - 18 Holes 

Mark your calendars to join us next year on September 6, 2025! 

Congratulations to the 2024 Alumni and Friends Golf Tournament winners!

Winners: Nick Labat, Blake Schueller, and John Schueller 


2nd place: Sean Salfer, Cole Owens and Jared Rothmeier  

Longest drive Men - Dan Woessner
Longest drive Women - Jill Weiss
Closest to the pin Men - Terry Reynolds
Closest to the pin Women - Megan Secrist
Longest putt Men - Judd Walter
Longest putt Women - Misty Riebel

Thank you to these businesses for sponsoring our tournament: Mathiowetz Construction Co., M R Paving & Excavating, Inc., Arneson Distribution Co., Miller Sellner Implement, Schwartz Farms, Chuck Spaeth Ford, Sleepy Eye Electric, Randy's Family Drug, First Security Agency, SouthPoint Financial Credit Union, Kibble Equipment, Schmid Financial, Americana Bank and Schweiss Meats.

We truly appreciate it!