Students planning to attend a 4 year college will need 2 credits of a single World Language to meet admissions requirements.
Spanish I
1 Credit- Elective
Grades 9, 10, 11, 12
Spanish I is an introduction to the Spanish language and Hispanic cultures. In this class, students use words and phrases to communicate in simple, uncomplicated situations; read short items and write short exchanges like notes and lists; and experience some of the customs and perspectives of the Hispanic cultures.
German I
1 Credit- Elective
Grades 9, 10, 11, 12
Based on the National Standards for Foreign Language Education, GERMAN I will introduce students to the basics of speaking, listening, reading, and writing in German. The study of German culture and history will be integrated into the curriculum. By the end of the year, students should be able to talk about their interests, family, provide basic information about themselves, order a meal at a restaurant, and talk about the weather.
German II
1 Credit- Elective
Grades 10,11,12
Prerequisite: German I
Based on the National Standards for Foreign Language Education, GERMAN II will build on the speaking, listening, reading, and writing skills developed in GERMAN I. The past tense will be introduced, as well as new topics including travel, fairy tales, and an in depth study of German history. We will continue to use group and partner work to improve speaking and listening skills, with an additional focus on German culture and geography.
Intro to American Sign Language
1 Credit-Elective
Grades 9, 10, 11, 12
Intro to ASL covers sign vocabulary, sentence structures and dialogue formats through facial expression and body movements using signing. Students will learn expressive skills and receptive skills. The course will cover using ASL to discuss self, other people and activities, giving directions and making requests. Students will also develop an understanding for the customs and behavior of the deaf community in the United States.
American Sign Language II
1 Credit- Elective
Grades 10, 11, 12
Prerequisite: Intro to American Sign Language
This course is a continuation of the first year course in American Sign Language. ASL II encourages students to talk about people in a more abstract way and to talk about the environment removed from the classroom. Students also learn to narrate events that occurred in the past, as opposed to telling what is happening currently. In ASL II, students learn appropriate cultural behaviors for directing and maintaining attention, and a way of talk that keeps others informed. Students will also develop strategies for figuring out meaning without understanding every sign.