Students must take 3 credits of Science to graduate.
Physical Science
1 Credit-Required
Grade 9
Physical science focuses upon two larger fields of science-chemistry and physics. In the course, basic atomic structure and the properties of all types of matter will be investigated. Students will be able to apply the concepts of light, sound and electricity. The course will also be concerned with motion, forces and energy. Students will have a greater understanding of how machines work and how newton’s laws apply to projectiles.
1 Credit-Required
Grade: 10 (or with teacher recommendation: Grade 9)
Biology is the study of living things. This course focuses on the study of life by examining the five fundamental concepts of ecology, cellular biology, genetics, evolution, and biodiversity. The scientific process and laboratory skills are emphasized along with critical thinking and biology’s connections to other scientific disciplines. In addition, it encourages curiosity and careful inquiry. Students will also examine current biological issues. The foundation of the class is based upon the science standards developed for the state of Minnesota.
Science Inquiry
.5 Credit-Elective
Grades 9, 10, 11, 12
This course is recommended for any students interested in participating in the science fair. During the semester, students will research a topic of interest in detail, and then design an experiment with the intent of competing at the regional science fair in March. Note: credit received does not calculate into overall GPA.
Foundations in Chemistry
1 Credit-Required
Grades 10, 11, 12 (with science dept. approval)
This course option meets the chemistry requirement for all students but is structured for those who will not attend a 4-year college.
Foundations in Chemistry, covers the basics of the composition, structure and reactions of matter. The course begins with a discussion of scientific measurements and the general properties of matter; next students explore the structures of the atoms, the periodic table, types of bonds, and equations. Other topics include the states of matter, reactions, and the energy involved in chemical change.
1 Credit-Required
Grades 11, 12 Weighted
This course is required for all students who plan on attending a 4-year college.
Chemistry is a full-year course investigating matter and the changes it undergoes. A study of atomic structure, elements, compounds, and reactions precede a more detailed study of solids, liquids, and gases. Acid-base reactions, oxidation-reduction, organic chemistry and nuclear chemistry integrate the previous concepts. As an advanced course, the skills of logical, abstract, and analytical thinking are also developed.
Anatomy & Physiology I
.5 Credit-Elective
Grades 11, 12
Prerequisite: Biology
The aim of this course is to introduce students to human anatomy and physiology, with an emphasis on how the systems of the body are interrelated. The areas covered will include medical terminology, basic chemistry, cell and tissue structure, and 5 of the 11 systems of the human body (skeletal, muscular, nervous, endocrine, and circulatory). Laboratory work will be required, including a 3 week comparative anatomy dissection lab using a fetal pig. Students interested in a health or natural sciences career are encouraged to take this course.
Project-Based Environmental Science
.5 Credit-Elective
Grades 11,12
Prerequisite: Biology
Project-based environmental science expands the classroom into our local environment and seeks to help the global community. Working collaboratively and individually, students will design their own projects related to ecology, alternate energy sources, recycling, and green product development. This non-traditional course challenges students to tackle and propose solutions to real-world environmental issues.
Anatomy & Physiology II
.5 Credit- Elective
Grades 11, 12
Prerequisite: Biology & Anatomy/Physiology i
This course continues the study of the structure and function of the human body systems. The topics covered include 6 of the 11 organ systems (integumentary, lymphatic, digestive, respiratory, urinary and reproductive) with emphasis placed on the integration of systems as they relate to normal health. Laboratory work is an integral part of the class. Students interested in a health or natural sciences career are encouraged to take this course.
AP Biology
.5 or 1 Credit-Elective
Grades 11, 12
Prerequisites: Biology & Chemistry (by approval only)
Prerequisite: Student should have successfully completed high school courses in biology and chemistry (or be enrolled in chemistry).
Only by instructor permission will first year biology students be allowed to take AP Biology
AP Biology is an introductory college-level biology course. Students cultivate their understanding of biology through rigorous content and inquiry-based investigations as they explore the following topics—cell energy and communication, genetics, information transfer, ecology, and interactions. This course requires that 25% of instructional time will be spent in hands-on laboratory work which provides students with opportunities to apply the science practices.