St. Mary's Middle and High School
Welcome to Sleepy Eye St. Mary’s Catholic School where we have a rich tradition of quality Catholic education. In 2018, we marked the 100th graduating class of our high school. Throughout this history, countless people have sacrificed in order to establish the solid foundation that our school is built upon. That enduring dedication and support has created an environment that allows our students to learn and discover God’s will for their lives. This mission of developing the whole person is evident in the many programs and offerings at St. Mary’s.
Through the integration of our academic classes, extracurricular activities, and spiritual growth opportunities, we invite our students to cultivate their God-given abilities. Our Catholic faith is evident in all that we do at St. Mary’s. The faculty and staff at St. Mary’s are individuals who are living out their vocations and whose unwavering commitment to the students and teachings of the Catholic Church have made St. Mary’s a very special place. The combined contribution of our faculty and staff, students, and members of the community yields an environment of faithful witnesses to the vitality of the Church and the importance of education. We strive to seek the Truth in all that we do, and attempt to make it our way of life.
Our hope is that anyone who is present at St. Mary’s will see the Gospel witness of Jesus Christ in all our members as we strive to create outstanding citizens of this world but more importantly citizens of Heaven.
We welcome all to visit and join the many great things happening at St. Mary’s!
Peter Roufs
High School Principal