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Fine Arts

Fine Arts

Students must take 2 credits of Fine Arts to graduate.


Concert Band                                                                                                                

1 Credit- Elective
Grades 9, 10, 11, 12                                                               
Prerequisite: At least 2 years of grade school and/or Jr. High Band; and Private Lessons (or with teacher permission)

Concert Band will strive to develop students’ techniques and proficiencies on their instruments, as well as the self-discipline and cooperation necessary when working in a large group setting.  Students will be challenged to develop their abilities in music performance, both as individuals and as an ensemble. Students will be introduced to a variety of musical styles and work to develop an understanding and appreciation of these styles as a performer and a listener. Attendance is mandatory at concert performances and Pep Band competitions. Solo/ensemble participation is strongly encouraged.


Concert Choir                                                                                                                 

1 Credit- Elective
Grades 9, 10, 11, 12                                                               

The concert choir is for musicians who wish to strive for excellence in the choral tradition. This choir will continue to develop proper vocal techniques, proficiency in performing music, and appreciation of a variety of music through choir rehearsals.  The concert choir will participate in the section/state small and large group competitions, and perform concerts during the school year. Final placement in this choir is the director’s decision.


The Schola Cantorum Choir                                                                               

.25 -.5 Credit- Elective
Grades 7-12

This class rehearses at least once a week, preparing music for the Jr.-Sr. High School Mass, a Parish Mass once a month & some of the all-school Masses. We will focus each week on learning the Psalm & Gospel Acclamation, along with learning some prelude/postlude songs, Latin hymns and Mass parts, and harmony parts for some hymns. We rehearse in conjunction with the High School Choir or at noon hour.   A half credit is offered, with letter grades issued at the end of each semester. If registering for this class, understand that attendance is required and affects letter grades.


Journalism I, II, III                                                                                          

.5 or 1 Credit-Elective
Grades 10, 11, 12                                                                                  
60 Hours (.5) or 120 Hours (1)

In Journalism, students will gain hands-on experience in a variety of journalism areas, including print and non-print sources, attend school events to gather ideas, content, pictures for produced works, brainstorm, write and format content for the Knightly News bi/monthly (pictures and articles), design and create the school yearbook (take pictures, write captions, etc.) and manage the yearbook advertising and sales campaign.